Monday, October 30, 2006

Two words OVER - RATED

Who's over-rated? There is a bunch.........

  1. The Indianapolis Colts and specifically Peyton Manning. The Colts have no running game, because Peyton won't let them. They can't stop the run because they have spent too much on Peyton. Peyton can't win in the snow or when the pressure is on.
  2. Marriage. I don't get any other chicks and when you go you get all my shit and I still have to pay for your ass?
  3. Chris Moneymaker. He starts the poker boom by winning the main event then is always getting smoked everytime I see him on tv.
  4. Children. I don't care how cute they are, they give horrible return on investment.
  5. Immature people. They, like children, seem cute at the time, but over the long run just aren't worth it.
  6. Work. Yeah I give you over half of all my waking hours and you pay me crap. Almost as good a deal as marriage.
  7. Putting people all-in when they are behind. Everytime I do it some dumbass catches a four outer and takes my money.
  8. Money. Everytime I get some, it leaves.
  9. In-laws. Married people, need I say more?
  10. Color analysts in sports. Former players that can't get another job. They get to make ridiculous statements and people take it as gospel.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Why can't we all just get along?

There seems to be something in the water recently. Nobody wants to get along with anyone else. I know it's an election year, but dang it this is ridiculous.

First up to bat, gay marriage. Gay people are just that, people. You wouldn't stop 2 people of the same religion from getting married. Nor would stop 2 people of the same income, race, profession, or who are fans of the same sports team. So then, I ask why is your genitals so important? If you want to keep someone from getting married, try evil people. 1 evil person is bad enough, but when you put them with another, well, you've seen Batman.

Second, it shouldn't matter what color you skin is. Everybody deserves to have some dignity. In my mind you have earn being de-classified as a human, like Hitler or my sister-in-law.

It's getting to be about time to break out Ghostbusters to watch. Great movie. Timeless classic. You keep your Gone With the Wind. Give me 4 nerds and a giant avatar, oh and Sigourney Weaver. HOT!!!!

Speaking of hot now that Sara Evans is getting divorced I wonder if she's into tall geeky white guys...........

Speaking of white and nerdy lets give a shout out to Weird Al. Been making funny stuff for over 2 decades. That takes talent.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Boobs and other political thoughts.......

There is a chick running for Govenor of Alabama who's campaign slogan is : More of theses boobs and less of these boobs, followed by a picture of the other candidates. Gottta love that.

Now for some local politics. The city wants to add 9 new cops. I think that might be good, but 9 seems a little high. Maybe 5, not 9. Curbside recycling, I'm all for it. Go ahead and pay the garbage guys extra and let's try and save the planet a little. I'm willing to pay a little more, just don't double my water bill and I'm all for it.

Interesting that 2 sherriff's candidates are in front of their ethics committee. Shouldn't the law be the most ethical people we have? I wouldn't vote for either of those jokers now.

Why does beer make you pee so much? I can drink pop all day and never have to go. 1 beer and Whizzing all night.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Death and TV Mistakes

Those are two universal truths aren't they?

Today's topic is Adrienne Reynolds. I don't usually comment on stories as sad as this one, but recently there is just something disturbing about what's going on right now.

First, the qualifier. I think her death was a tragedy and gruesome. And I think if your crime is this heinous that you should get the death penalty no matter your age.

Now, let's talk about what I have seen in the last hour and a half. I went to Hy-vee to get some tomatoes and parked next to a car that had emblazened on its rear window "In Memory of Adrienne Reynolds 1988-2005". I was already going to blog about that but I was not going to give it more than a sentence or two. I'm sure the car belonged to a friend or relative and I'm sure they miss her very much, but COME ON!!! No death, no matter how tragic needs extra publicity after the court case is closed. Miss her. Mourn her. Pray for her soul at church. But don't put her on the back of your car's window. That is just disgusting. The same goes for people who make Tshirts and bumper stickers about it. To me that say I have no identity of my own. I define myself by someone else's death. I have no life of my own.

Next, Dateline is going to cover this story this weekend. This is just too excessive. If her murder is unsolved, by all means, put it on national TV and see if you can turn up any clues. We know who did it, convicted them of that crime. Let her rest. Her family had already been on Montel. I wonder how Montel and Dateline heard about this? I doubt KWQC called them. It wouldn't surprise me if the family had to expand their 15 minutes to a national audience, which disgusts me even more. Oh, yeah and they called us a small town. We are not a small town. And we will not be "forever changed" like NBC said.

Let me be on record about my own death. My uncle says "when I'm gone cremate me and throw me in the river." Now, you must understand he really likes to fish, thats why he wants to be with the fish. But I think he has the concept right. Bury me and walk away. Think about me when the Cubs win the series. Tell my great-grandchildren about my love of music. But for the love of God don't advertise I'm gone. That way maybe I can sneak past St Pete's security.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What age did your kids decide they needed to know what was going on in the world?

So I go to the library today to get out of the house and the wife forces me to take the shrimp with me. Great! Now not only do I not get to concentrate on what I want to look at, I have to waste time pissing through the kids section. So I pick out a couple of kiddie books and we go upstairs so I can try to find something I want to look at. After about 5 minutes she declares herself done. Typical. Now she's gonna want to wander all over the fucking place. So she goes over to the newspapers and procedes to pull out the New York Times. I thought she was going to make a big mess with it. So we moved to a table and she sat there looking at it like she actually understood it. Great, my 4 year old is now smarter than half the American population. I guess college is going to be expensive. I still need a topic for this weeks news entry. I guess I'll have to review some TV show.

You know I can't sleep when............

It's not yet 9 am on a saturday and I am up blogging about politics.........

This may be the only political statement you will get out of me. I am not very political, I couldn't tell you who my congressman is or senator. Yes, I think we all know the Presi-duh is and we will get to him in a moment. I guess I am classified as a democratic liberal. I don't know if I'm left-handed, right-brained or what the proper terminology is, but this came to me while I was trying to go back to sleep this morning and thought it a good point.

George H W Bush (the original) said "Read my lips, no new taxes!" then gave us some anyway.
George W Bush (the current) said there were WMDs in Iraq and Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda.
Jeb Bush (hopefully not the future) said there was a "problem" in the voting so his brother would win.

What's the similarity here? They were all lying, and their lies led to disastorous consequenses. Original George plunged our economy into a recession almost a decade long. Hopefully not gave us an imbicile for a leader. Current George plunged us into multiple wars, one of which nobody talks about (Afghanistan) and the other which is the worst military decision since Viet Nam.

Saddam, as sad as it is, was the glue that held Iraq together. When one person has that much power for that long when they go there is bound to be chaos. But Current George could only see one thing, doing what Original George couldn't.

Seriously is Current George really as dumb as he plays? It is horrifying to think about either way. Could the nation really elect it's dumbest citizen twice to run the free world? If it really is an act, what's its purpose? To cast blame upon others for his mistakes after his time is up?

Let's review Current George's track record. We are attacked by terrorists for the first time in our country's history. Which is being debated when we knew they would attack, or if it was them or us who attacked. He went after the supposed attackers a world away with insufficient troops and little support from the countries in that region. Bin Laden is probably staying at the Ritz in Kabul. He then plunged our country into the worst thought out war we have seen in 40 years. Our soldiers deaths pile up by the day, but that is no longer his concern. When was the last time you heard "Weapons of Mass Destruction" come out of his mouth. He went into someone else's house, blew it up looking for a secret safe that didn't exist and then let the military try to deal with the aftermath. It's like they told us when I was in retail and banking. The front lines are what other people see as the organization. The Iraqi citizens can't attack Current George or America so they are going after what they can, our soldiers. I think it's time to bring them home. He has basically destroyed the Republican party. No one wants to be associated with the war and you can guarantee there will be a Democratic president in 2 years. The congress and the senate are already saying they will lose a lot of seats and that control will fall back to the Democrats.

People wanted to impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob and getting some action on the side. So why don't they want to impeach Current George for blowing up his party and another country on the side.

Somebody said, I don't know who probably Olbermann since he is the only opinion I have respect for, our founding fathers didn't want this country to be run as a kingdom. They wanted checks and balances, they wanted no one to have total control. Well guess what? They were right. Current George is about as close to King George as we have ever seen. He runs the country basically unopposed. No one in his circle seems to have the balls to tell him that he is screwing up. Does he know all their dirty little secrets? Is he tied to some kind of mob? Do they fear for their lives? Why isn't anyone trying to stop him? There are a lot of conspiracy theorists that think when his term is up he will try to cook up some scheme to keep power, they way you see in tv shows and movies.

Not bad for a guy who doen'st care about politics, hmmm?

Friday, October 13, 2006

In Sickness and In Health

So, faithful reader I am sick. Every year in October when the stupid weather changes. I left work early yesterday and only felt worse today.

School seems to be good for the monkey. Her handwriting has improved and she seems to actually be learning proper social behavior. The shrimp has come out of her shell and seems to have developed a personality.

Big shout out to Ms. S who pointed out a couple of flaws on my newsproject blog.

I guess I need to put out to the wife. It's been about a week since I've been sick. Seen a report on that the longer you are married the more your sexual satisfaction goes up. It also said that men require more sexual variety and more sexual experiences than women. Personally, I just wanna get laid.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Bitchin' about bitches

Can anyone explain to me how the fuck Andrea Kramer got the Sunday Night gig? She was never good on ESPN, probably their 8th or 9th best reporter. I've got no problem with women covering football (see my unprofessed love for Suzy Kolber) and I think Michele Tofoya does an outstanding job as well, but Kramer sucks ass. My mom used to complain that she blinks too much, which I never noticed until she pointed it out. Now I just can't get past it. If Al Michaels asks her a follow-up question, which is completely normal in the field of journalism, she stammers and seems uncomfortable. Answering question is as much a part of the job as being a talking head sweetheart.

I just looked up and it appears my family has abandoned me.

Speaking of family, hers has to go. It was the monkey's birthday this weekend, and her mom decided that she wanted some time now. Tough shit. If you want a relationship with your grandchildren you have to have it more than just on their birthdays and holidays. Hell, the fro sees her more than than her grandmother. A few years ago, the only person to call the wife on her birthday was my boy Sedrick. And he was just calling to say hey to me. I was like "dude, you're calling to say happy birthday to the wife right? You're the only one to make the phone ring today." She protects her family all the time, but they are all shit. She gets mad at me because I tell her she should just cut ties with them. Now, I realize I am different person. I have lost so many people that were important to me, it has become second nature to move on. She doesn't go out of her way to have friends outside of her family and when they shit on her she has nowhere to go. And I used to like her mom. It's no big secret about my unbridled hate for her sisters.

Ok Wendy's nobody is going to think of how much money is in their checking account in terms of frosty's so just stop it. The same with you Geico, the caveman bit was never funny, now it's just sad. Find a new schtick.

Ok, once and for all, when you raise in poker you don't need to go all in. STOP IT DAMN IT!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ranting and Raving

What no comments? Nobody loves me!!!!

Great day today. Cowboys blew out the Titans. Went to the folks got some work done for my Grandma.

Got a lot of good reading done today. I have read a lot on the subject of RIAA vs the P2Ps. Limewire is fighting back. Good for them! Those rich bastards need to realize that can't just run over people. People don't steal because it's fun. People steal because they are poor or they have a disease. That's it. No other reasons. CD prices are not on a supply and demand chart. They are set by the music industry and there really is nothing to compete with them. MP3s are a dollar a track and $15 for an album. That is essentially the same thing you pay at Target. That is not competitive pricing. You have to offer another outlet to people. Give the CDs away and triple your ticket prices if you are worried about your bottom line.

Also saw an article about corporal punishment still being used in Southern states. Are we living in the frickin' dark ages. And these aren't kindegarteners were are talking about. These were middle school/junior highs. They have to get parent consent. A couple of schools actually gave the kids the choice. They could take a week suspension or 20 lashes. That's crap. Completely insane. What comes after that if behavior doesn't work? Cattle prods?

I am trying to do more reading on journalism and keep abreast of current events. I may not know what I want to write about after I graduate, but I am at least sure of my desire to write. This blog helps. This is so much better than some stupid girly diary or journal they always wanted you to do in school.

I guess I am actually going to get some sleep know.