Ramblings of a sane man in a insane world (or does that go the other way?)
Hola!!! I have returned after a too long hiatus.
Do you remember going school clothes shopping when you were a kid? Worst 48 hours of my year, every year. In case you don't know me, look up gangly in a dictionary. The picture of the kid there is me about age 10. Needless to say they didn't (and still don't) make clothes for tall skinny kids. Short fat kids? All over the place. Big and Tall? They have there own section. Short and skinny? Probably still in the kids department. Tall and skinny? Fuggedaboudit.
Why does the whirlpool at the they YMCA make so many bubbles? I guess why it is going to be drained this weekend. Personally, I make my own bubbles.
Speaking of making my own bubbles, my partner in crime is getting married next month. I'm sure both of us married has got be a sign of the Apocalypse.
So I'm taking this theater class right. Yeah yeah I thought the same thing. But it is actually kind of interesting. Plays, like music, help earmark certain periods in history. To see the evolution of man through the eyes and words of a few talented people throughout history does kind of strike me as remarkable. Many times they are writing about themselves, yet you still somehow think they are talking about you or someone you know.
By the way, work sucks ass. I have been described, by more than one person, as a ticking timebomb. Some unlucky bitch is going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time on the wrong day and BOOOM!!!!!!! Hiroshima in the ghetto.
Oh, in case you are interested I am typing all of this in my boxers.
So for this theater class our group project we are writing a script. The spirit moved me and out came a page and a half of intro. Maybe next week another couple of pages will find there way out of my fingers.
Do you remember going school clothes shopping when you were a kid? Worst 48 hours of my year, every year. In case you don't know me, look up gangly in a dictionary. The picture of the kid there is me about age 10. Needless to say they didn't (and still don't) make clothes for tall skinny kids. Short fat kids? All over the place. Big and Tall? They have there own section. Short and skinny? Probably still in the kids department. Tall and skinny? Fuggedaboudit.
Why does the whirlpool at the they YMCA make so many bubbles? I guess why it is going to be drained this weekend. Personally, I make my own bubbles.
Speaking of making my own bubbles, my partner in crime is getting married next month. I'm sure both of us married has got be a sign of the Apocalypse.
So I'm taking this theater class right. Yeah yeah I thought the same thing. But it is actually kind of interesting. Plays, like music, help earmark certain periods in history. To see the evolution of man through the eyes and words of a few talented people throughout history does kind of strike me as remarkable. Many times they are writing about themselves, yet you still somehow think they are talking about you or someone you know.
By the way, work sucks ass. I have been described, by more than one person, as a ticking timebomb. Some unlucky bitch is going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time on the wrong day and BOOOM!!!!!!! Hiroshima in the ghetto.
Oh, in case you are interested I am typing all of this in my boxers.
So for this theater class our group project we are writing a script. The spirit moved me and out came a page and a half of intro. Maybe next week another couple of pages will find there way out of my fingers.
This is great info to know.
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