Monday, August 28, 2006


You missed me didn't you? I'm depressed because I didn't get a job because I got that fucking bankruptcy on my record. I really can't stand looking for a job anymore. I am tired of getting punished for mistakes that I made in my past. Why can't I get some kind of second chance? Why can't I find a decent job? No mas. I am done searching until I get my degree or at least in my last semester. I can't take the abuse anymore.

Pussycat Dolls is a awesome name for a band. & they are damn hot.

Why is Chris Berman and Steve Young dressed alike? It's freaky.

I can't stand it when the wife is female-ing. She is 3 shades of crabby and bitchy for like 4 days. At lest she sucks my dick while she's doing that.

Brett Favre needs to retire and Mike McCarthy was just hired to kiss his ass.

The day we go back to marking time with tapestry is the day western civilization collapses upon itself.


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